TGIF Friends.
For all of you out there wondering where I have been, thank you. I have felt your thoughts come my way. I do apologize for the lengthy hiatus I have been on. I gave you all no warning that I was going to be gone and then *poof* I am. Hopefully, this will never happen again. The break was too long and I have sincerely missed you and the writing. At this moment, I feel as if I am again being uplifted. It has been too long basic black keyboard with the ‘e’ almost worn off. My hands feel a sense of freedom as they type my train of thought. *sigh* It feels good to be back, my friends. I hope the world has been treating you with love, kindness, and happiness.
I will get down to the point. These past couple of weeks I have been living out of a suitcase, in a hotel that now feels at home (I am thinking about changing my mailing address), and am learning new things each day that makes my mind feel in awe of itself. Getting right down to it (I think I already said that, but in true me fashion, I am going to type more than necessary. See what I did there? J) Okay, okay. Here it is: These past weeks I have been working at another campus within my college’s system at their bookstore. This is an opportunity that took me by surprise and I am loving every moment of it. The college sent me to another campus to kind of “Try Out” for the position of my dreams. Because of events that I don’t need to get into, the position was open but they needed someone to hold down the fort. Enter me. I heard it through the grapevine that this might happen, so I told to the Bookstore director, who has been so supportive of me from the beginning, that I would be very interested in helping out if the need arises. I can’t stress to you how much this is my dream job. I would be the ‘manager’ of a college bookstore. How cool is that?!? I have so much to learn and so much to do, that is has been crazy, fun, stressful, stimulating, tiresome, lonely at times, adventurous and daring all at the same time. Because of the support that I have received from my co-workers, family, friends and my husband, I am going for this job in a no regrets kind of way.  The interview is going to be coming up this Tuesday, so please friends, wish me luck. I know that there are other great people applying, so my fingers are crossed that the committee can see how passionate I am about the work that I do.  I thought that by buying a house in a town I love and working at a job I love, a chapter closed in my life. Never would I dream that the chapter would only leave me with cliff hanger and keep on going. If this goes through, we will need to sell our house (that we bought a little over a year ago), live apart for a while, buy a new house, and relocate our lives. Cory and I are hopefully going to start a whole new chapter together in a whole new place and it is going to be a thrilling ride! I can’t wait.
For everyone who is reading this, I just want to remind you that you should never take anything for granted. Keep your dreams alive. Look into the stars and truly go for your goal in life. I was perfectly happy where I was in my life, and now my happiness is brimming with anticipation. If I don’t get this job, sure I will be disappointed, but if the worst case scenario means that I get to go home to a loving husband, a fat cat, and a job I love, so be it. The experience was grand!
 My life is truly one that is full of blessings and my happiness shines throughout the heavens.
It really is the simple things in life that truly do make it all worthwhile. Enjoy this Friday. Smile, because you are amazing.
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Best of Luck!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I was beginning to wonder if you were done with blogging. *Phew*

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