Erin go Braugh! So I may have missed out on St. Patty’s day this year, but I hope everyone else had a great one. Not going to lie, I don’t even know what ‘Erin Go Braugh’ even means. I guess if I can use my own translation, I imagine it means Cheers to Ireland and that sounds good enough for me. Last year I was able to celebrate my friend’s birthday in the windy city of Chicago (that’s a bit redundant, isn’t it?). The trip was awesome and my friend scored us an awesome hotel right on the river…over St. Patty’s day weekend. Needless to say, I saw sights I probably won’t see again. This included awesome architecture, a very green river, and drunks galore. Yes, friends, it was amazing. I was a Chicago virgin and this weekend was one for the record books. Having never been there, I believe that I saw a lot of the city that not many people get to enjoy. The water taxi at sunset was just a hint of the amazing things we did (I forgot to mention that it was 75/80 degrees and sunny).
Yes, it was the complete opposite of what I did this year. This year I didn’t find my party pants at all (just to be clear, I did wear pants this weekend) and celebrated with reading a book from start to finish, plowing the driveway (twice), coffee, and taking down the Christmas tree (don’t judge). It was relaxing and it was very welcomed after a very hectic week of work and painting. I was husband free, plan free, and stress free. Besides the cold that keeps creeping in, it was a very delightful weekend.
I think it was aligned in the stars that I shouldn’t do much this past weekend because in the weekends to come I have a Baptism, Easter, my sisters Birthday, and my first 5K of the season. Along with that, I am starting Yoga, actually sticking to my running routine of 5 days a week, and working on the theater. My trusty suitcase will get a workout as well as the weekends will have me away from home for a while. And on goes the adventure of life my friends!
While I am on the subject of friends (I know, pretty bad Segway), I just want you to stop and think about how life is made grand by the people we call friend. There are those that you miss constantly in your heart and feel overjoyed when you hear from them. There are those friends that feel like sisters (or brothers), and then there are your actual sisters who are your best friends. There are those friends that always show you a good time and then there are the ones that let you be you. You have friends that are always up for anything and there are the ones who can sit and talk for hours and still have a good time. Friends give you laughter and love. Some talk you into bad ideas that turn out to be great stories. Some friends come and go through our lives, but we will always remember a story from each person we have called friend in our life. We may not hear from a couple of them for a while, but when we do, we start right where we left off. There are friends that we miss, that we cry for, that we cry with, but a friend is a friend. My Pa is my best friend as is my mom, and my husband, and sisters. My friends are all the best, therefore, I have many best friends and I count myself lucky each time I hear from them. So to you friend, thank you. My life is made grand because of the adventures and life that you have shown me.
-Cheers, to you friend. May I treat you the best I can because you have shown me what is takes to be a great friend.
(This post was not meant to be sappy, so sorry about the mini violins playing in the background and the unicorns jumping over rainbows. For good measure, here is a cat video for you.)