Good Morning!
I bet you are all thinking there is something wrong because I am posting. Yes, I again took a bit of a break. With the theater opening right around the corner (20 days!), my time has been invested in helping out when I can there. That is in-between my full time job and actually trying to stay on track with Insanity/working out. I hate to admit it, but when my head hits the pillow, I am a goner. The days seem short and the to-do list seems to lengthen. Not a good combination when your only goal is to get things done.
Don’t worry, my optimisim is still there, I just find the motivation to be lacking when it comes to posting lately. We even have internet at our house (Finally), so I really have no excuse, but when I sit my butt down on the couch, I have a tendency to curl up and close my eyes. It’s quite fulfilling actually to sit down and know that you did the most you can with today and that tomorrow will be the same. Life sure is exciting lately.
Sometimes, when life gets that busy, you have to remind yourself to take a break, sit back, and look at things in a whole new light. I think Cory needs to remember this more than I do because it seems he is living, eating, and breathing that theater. (no really, he sometimes stays over so he can get up early and work. As if the mile drive to the theater is such an inconvenience.) All sarcasm aside, he has been putting every ounce of himself into the theater and his hard work sure shows. Every time I enter, it looks more and more like a stellar theater and less like a scary place to store furniture.  
So, I did make the choice to be selfish this past weekend and I snuck away for some me time. Well, more like me and my family time. My mom has recently discovered Pintrest. That being said, my mom has a new addiction, but a great one at that. I believe I am the only other one out of our family who has  Pintrest account, so our free time consists of searching, e-mailing, and planning a Pintrest weekend to get the best projects created. This past weekend was one of those weekends. It was our first Pintrest weekend and it was a success. After spending the night on Friday with my sister (and we did a bit of shopping. So far, I have only admitted to Cory one thing I bought. I am working myself up to the others), we headed out early to make it back home before noon.
As we pulled in, we saw stations put up and a different Pintrest project on each station with my mom and dad already working. We pulled up our sleeves and dug in.
Project 1: Book Pavers.
Pintrest picture

Our picture

Sans Writing
Project 2: Stacked Planter
Pintrest picture

Our picture

Project 3: Life-size Jenga
Pintrest Picture

Our Picture

So, it was too cold to set it up, so this is still in the process of making it. I will post a picture the first time we play it...if the sun ever shines. :)
Let’s just say that my mom is awesome because she is so creative and fun. That, along with my Pa’s carpenteyr skills, it was a pretty stellar weekend.  It was cold and rainy all day, but it was such a great time working together, coming up with ideas, planning the next Pintrest Weekend, and just having a great time together. That evening, my niece came over and we all had a slumber party. We watched movies, ate popcorn, and we stayed up until 12:30 am talking. Some topics a 3 year old likes to cover at a slumber party: How to catch fairies. How to get Grandma and Grandpa to get her another kitty. How to find fairy dust so the fairies can come out and play (recently, my parents made her a fairy garden, complete with a pathway and a door into a tree), how she is going to marry Batman. Okay, so this wasn't a question of how. She said that she is going to marry Batman. She also asked me if she could kiss Batman. She also mentioned how I could kiss Robin so he doesn’t feel left out. And, of course, she wondered what her stuffed animals were doing at home without her. Yes, it was a great day for all and I am so lucky that I can share these experiences with my family.
The next morning, my Pa and I went on a canoe ride which turned out to be quite a workout on the way to our destination but it made the way back pretty easy and the sun came out. Sun! I haven’t seen that in a while. I also took one of the best pictures I have in a long time!

What a weekend! I can’t wait to find more projects and have another weekend like this (get Pintresting Mom!) Also, my front porch could be in a Home and Garden magazine. It’s not the enchanted forest like my mom has on her deck, but she helped me in getting it halfway there (Thanks mom!) I am hoping next time we can make some recipes as well. There is something to be said about spending time with your mom. Nothing quite like it and I love every moment I spend with mine!

Until next time, be selfish and take a time out for yourself. It will be worth it.
1 Response
  1. Sara Strand Says:

    I love your porch!! I can't wait to move because I pinned a cool coat rack made out of an old door. I see a trip to the scary flea market in my future. :)

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