Good Morning Friends. I hope you all are catching up on life and taking the time to see the changing of the seasons. It is beginning to feel that Fall was short-lived as I see flakes float down and dissolve on the cold ground. I am not meaning to be so melancholy right now, but come on. The Pumpkin Lattes were just announced in Coffee Shops and now I feel as if I should be drinking the Ho-Ho Mocha or the Fa-La Latte. Brrrr. That is what I have to say. Some may call me bitter because of how much I love Fall, but the Christmas aisles in departments stores came way too soon this year. As I mentioned almost a year ago today, please friends, do not overlook Thanksgiving. We are so blessed to be living the life we lead. Let’s take the stress out of the Holidays by not starting so early with the gifts and promotions. Don’t worry; I am almost done with my rant. I know you aren’t used to hearing me rant, but maybe it is because my Coffee just doesn’t taste right this morning. This could be because I have been under the weather lately and the talk of snow is in the air, or it could be a metaphor of my life at the moment. Sure, some days coffee may not taste as good but will that stop me from drinking it down to the last drop? No. I will still drink it, all the while thinking how bad it is. I think this scenario happens to a lot of people in life. It may not be coffee, but I am sure it has happened to you. Maybe it was a bad day that kept getting worse. Do we give up and call it a day? No. We keep on going on and get through life and know that tomorrow is going to be better. So drink up, move on, and have a great day today (tomorrow if today is ‘one of those days’).  Never give up because life is way too precious to miss any moment of it.
I will once again be insolently (not on purpose) shying away from my Friday post. Tomorrow morning I will be headed to the North part of the state for a conference and then driving to my old stomping grounds to run my last race of the season. This is bittersweet because not only is it getting a little too cold for me to be motivated to run outside, there is also talk of snow in the forecast. I am hoping to get my best time for a 5k and got out with a bang. Immediately after this race, I will be headed back to my house, take a warm shower and relax. It is going to be a stressful busy weekend and I can’t wait.
Maybe I will have time to do some Christmas Shopping…..wait a minute….
Until next time, my friends, Live long and prosper.
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