Some things just make life grand.
Some things are taken for granted. Some things are just something, but most things still make me smile. Today, it was an e-mail from my husband that made me smile. It was also the smoothie that I had and the banana peel that held a delightful nanner in it. It was the coffee that was still warm at three in the afternoon and the stuffed energizer bunny that someone left on my desk. It was a text from a great friend and a great phone conversation with my mom. It was the thought of a cartoon character slipping on the banana peel and the anticipation for my run along the river. It was the wind in my hair and fallen flowers on my car. It was my favorite song on the radio on the way to work, and on my lunch break, and on my way home. It was the smoky laugh from a custodian down the hall and the sound of books falling off the table. It was the simple talk of vampires and a flashback to Dawson’s Creek. It was thoughts of my dad, my sisters, my niece, my mom. Thoughts of you and the feeling of being missed.  A green pen among blue ones. Spilled water in the shape of a heart. The feeling of contentment. The end of a workday. Dinner plans and ampersands.
Yes, some things just make life grand.
Good Morning!
I was about to tell all of you Happy Monday, but then realized that I don’t even know what day it is today. Happy Tuesday dear friends! I hope you had a wonderful long (but seemingly short) weekend.
My weekend was pretty uneventful, which is A-Okay (does anyone use that term anymore besides on Leave it to Beaver?). I spent the weekend cuddled up in front of my fireplace, drinking coffee and trying to stay warm. Yes, it was that cold (no exaggeration). The first days of summer kicked off by me having to layer up like a true Minnesotan. No barbecuing for this gal, just hot tea and Chinese takeout, which I am definitely not complaining about. I did have every intention of getting multiple things done, but the coziness of home won me out. This weekend, I also got a true feeling of worry, which doesn’t happen a lot. With all of the changes that are happening, it finally hit me how much we still have yet to do. The place that I call home isn’t going to be relevant to me anymore. It is truly scary to not know where you will be living or if you have a house to move into to make your home. Where are we going to live, what about my gray fur ball I call a cat and all of our belongings? This made me realize just how much the word home means to me and how we should all be thankful for the place in which we reside. Here I am worrying about what the future brings, but I know that we will figure it out and eventually close on a house of our own once again. Not everyone has that in their future. As I am shuffling around between apartments, air mattresses, home towns, my home that is now someone else’s, the house I want that someone else owns, suitcases, and cars, I at least always have a warm place to lay my head and say my prayers.  I realized that I shouldn’t worry so much, but thank all of the great people who have allowed me to sleep under their roof and pray for those that don’t have the same luxury. High utility bills and mortgage payments don’t seem so bad anymore because you can call it home. Home is truly where the heart is. For all of you out there who are worrying about one thing or another, stop and take a look at how fortunate you are. No matter what happens, I know I can always go home, whether it be to my parents place or just going to see someone you love. Going home is one of the greatest feelings one can sense. As you head home this afternoon, be thankful for the love that you feel when you walk in the door.
Home Sweet Home.
Enjoy this day to the fullest and smile at the sun. Feel the love that surrounds each and every one of you.

-Cheers Friends. Happy Tuesday.
I know I have mentioned over and over how much I love Fridays and saying TGIF, but I must say that Friday’s before Holiday Weekends are that much better. The ghost towns are in full effect and the people who are here with me have smiles on their faces and we are united in the fact that we can’t wait for the day to be done. Talk of barbequing and lawn games are in the air. The hardest decision people are making is which lake to go to, what ice cream flavor they should have, and if one more beer is going to push them over the limit. While this weekend is going to be a lot of fun along with some games, don’t forget to take a time out and remember what Memorial Day is all about. Remember the heroes who taught us about Freedom, love of our own Country, and what United truly means. Also remember all of those who made this world a better place by just being there. Honor your Grandmas, your friend’s Grandpa, the strangers loved one who lies below the earth next to another stranger, lover, friend, wife.
Remember, they may leave this earth, but none of them will ever be forgotten. Go forth and enjoy this weekend to the fullest and take pride in who you are. One day, you will also be remembered for the great presence you had in life. Shine bright, shine often, shine for those whom you love. Shine on, my friends, shine on.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Enjoy every moment of it.
Top of the Thursday to you my dear ones.
I hope the week has been treating you with delight and that you all felt the warm thoughts I sent your way. As I mentioned before, life seems to be taking on a whole new busy for a lot of people. Today I am going to take it back a notch and get back to simplicity with some Random Thursdays Thoughts. All of these are brought to you by my love (and Google images). Enjoy lovelies. Remember that you are and always will be loved.


Good Sunday Morning!

Today, I am going to drink as much coffee as I can, wear my slippers all day, finish one book and start another, watch bad T.V., go for a quick run in the rain, take a hot shower, listen to the rain fall, and enjoy every moment of this lazy Sunday.  I wish you could all join me, but enjoying your own Sunday to the fullest will suffice for me. Even though life is going in fast forward these days, I don’t want to miss out on the small things. I believe it is lazy days like today that are rare to come by, for anyone. It is days like today that your mind can take a break, however small it is, and get back to the real things in life. The real feelings of love, happiness, sometimes sadness and the freedom to do anything you put your mind to. Today, I truly feel thankful for the life I am living. It is busy, but there is always an end in sight for one thing or another. I will take one thing at a time, knock it off the list and move on.  I hope you can see that end in the busy life that you lead so you can also have a day like today. Feel great about yourself. You deserve it!
TGIF Friends!
It seems so long since I last said this to you, but does it feel good. I love the mood of Fridays. It is its own separate entity. Friday’s are the working class holidays. Now that Spring has Sprung and Summer is in the air, Fridays are even more happily celebrated. Ahhh, the sweet feel of Friday’s. When I woke up this morning, I decided that today is going to be great. Let us all delight in the sun and enjoy the sweet smells of summer as we move forward on the wonderful day!
As my happy mood furthers on, I truly believe nothing can get me down. Yeah I am a little tired from all the excitement. So what. Yes, I did wake up and realize that my bank account is dwindling, but times could be worse. I have never believed that money can buy happiness, but its sure can help. J It is in times like these that people (including me) are looking for ways to save the extra cent. Today’s list (it feels so great to type those words again. It has been too long) is going to consist of helpful hints on how to save. Without further ado (you should say this aloud, it is more fun than one would think) I bring to you:
Practical Tips to Save Some Money so we have more of it to Spend on Other Things:
DIET TIP:                                                                                                                                                                                     Lose weight quickly by eating raw pork or rancid tuna. The subsequent food poisoning/diarrhea will enable you to lose 12 pounds in only 2 days.
FINANCE TIP:                                                                                                                                                     Save on electricity by turning off all the lights in your house and walking around wearing a miner's hat.
FINANCE TIP:                                                                                                                                       Save on gasoline by pushing your car to your destination. Invariably passers-by will think you've broken down and help.
HOUSEHOLD TIP:                                                                                                                                                                        Drill a one inch diameter hole in your refrigerator door. This will allow you to check that the light goes off when the door is closed.
HOUSEHOLD TIP:                                                                                                                                 Old telephone directories make ideal personal address books. Simply cross out the names and address of people you don't know.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT:                                                                                                            At work, put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT:                                                                                                      During rush hour, sit in your parked car and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
INEXPENSIVE ENTERTAINMENT:                                                                                                                                  Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes' eyes bulge and causes them to swim in an amusing manner.
PARKING TICKETS:                                                                                                                             Avoid parking tickets by leaving your wipers turned to 'fast wipe' whenever you leave your car parked illegally.
PERSONAL HYGEINE:                                                                                                                                                    Save on the water bill by wrapping yourself in masking tape and remove the dirt by simply peeling it off.
Each and every one of you can thank me later for the amount of money that will be saved. J
Well Friends, it has been a delight today. Do me a favor and have a great Friday. Stop and smell the roseS, it will be worth it!
I love you all.

Happy Thursday my Dear Friends.
I did it once again, and again I find myself apologizing to all of you. Things have been quite hectic for me, but that is no excuse for not getting to all of you out there. Frenzied lives should not mean I have an excuse to ignore my ever faithful friends.  Again, many apologies. This will change. J
Let me give you a quick re-cap of the things going on:
·         My new job is awesome but keeps me busy from start to end of the day. This I also love but 4:00 seems to come around way too quickly for what I need to accomplish. Long story short, my busy career is just the thing I needed and am more in love with what I do than I ever have been. Thank you to whoever helped me get here! I will take you out for a drink soon.
·         I am putting the miles on my little car of mine (Sorry Yota). As of now, I am making the 288 mile round trip each weekend so I can go home and see my husband, cat, and start packing up my life. I also am making the rounds in saying goodbye to the friends who have helped me make Superior home for the past eight years.
·         During the week, I am still trying to train for the half-marathon that is less than a month away (insert fear here). This is also hard because every day after work I have meetings with bankers, realtors, co-workers, and some friend time. Between selling our house and trying to buy a new house while being separated from Cory is everything it sounds like: stressful and not very convenient. If I could be in two places at once, this would help out quite a lot.
·         Speaking of houses, we sold ours! WooHoo!
·         Speaking of houses, I found the one I want, it is also out of our budget and beautiful and I want it. In order to get this, Cory and I may need to take a break from eating, watching T.V. and seeing each other because the pennies are being pinched my friends, but all for the good… I hope. J
·         On a side note, I also started to write my book. This, to me is thrilling and I hope I can finish it in five years.
·         On another side note, I also was asked to review two more books for Tribute Books! They are so good to me and am so glad I get two more opportunities to read books from the next best authors of our time.
It is crazy times like these that I am really pushing my limits and trying to stay sane. I know that some of you have been taking my absence as a selfish thing, but I do not want it to come off that way. Things are just moving too fast at the moment and I have to pick one over another. Please don’t think this as being inconsiderate. I feel terrible for the things that I can’t do and plan on making it up down the road. I just want to reassure you all that I am the same person I have been, just busier. I do not want to push anyone away and am still filled with the love and happiness and fun that I have always had. For those who think different, please give me a chance to prove this statement. Honestly, nothing has changed besides the events that are happening in my life (and they are quite life-changing). The person is still the same.
Now that I got all Debbie-downer on you, let me switch the mood by telling all of you “Hi!” Today, let’s us all take a second to really think about how great each and every one of us is. Let us take a longer second to think about the greatness on others and the joy people bring this wonderful world. Let us take a moment and realize how life can change in an instant. Don’t take anything for granted and life is going to be grand. Smile. Today is a great day!
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
Cheers, Friends. I love you all.